Journey Community Church  

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Journey participates in Advent Conspiracy

We talked last Sunday about ways that we could live out the meaning of Christmas with our actions this season. Advent conspiracy is a unique way to look at it.

Why spend money on things they don't need or don't want?
Why get stressed about money and shopping this year?
We think there must be a better way, so here are some things Journey is doing to spread the love...

-We encourage you to re-evaluate how you spend Christmas individually, as a family, and as a community.

-Below are some links to great organizations you can give to if you spend less on Christmas - or - if you want to give a gift to someone as a donation to one of the organizations.

-Think of creative ways to give the gift of 'presence'.

-Join Journey as a community as we work together to reach our goal of raising enough money to help one family for one year (details on whether this will be done through Heifer international or The Well community to be announced next Sunday at Journey)

Some Links:

Living Water International

Trade as One

If you need some others ideas you can check out the Advent Conspiracy site.
Here is the video for this year:

Monday, November 02, 2009

Release Party For 'The Boundary-Breaking God' Nov. 9th

Come join in celebrating the release of Danielle's 1st book, "The Boundary Breaking God." This is going to be fun people! Bring your friends or neighbor or someone who you think would like the book! Big thanks to Misty Keasler and Brian Gibb for hosting at the amazing art gallery, The Public Trust. Light hors d'oeuvres and drinks will be provided.

You can buy the book at the party and have it signed! They will be available for $16 (list price is $20!)

Read some excerpts at the books page on Amazon HERE.

When: Monday November 9th 7-9pm, Click HERE for google map

I'll leave you with the endorsement from the Front cover of the book:

"I am more than grateful for this book. It is not only true, it is also beautiful to live with God's promise in the heart and God's enlarging horizon before your eyes."
-Jurgen Moltmann