Voices of the Community

Rob Ramsey kicked off our new series on Sunday. Rob talked about why he is going to Uganda for a month this summer and his passion for missions in the form of helping equip teachers around the world. It was an inspiring night to hear from someone in the community that is living out faith in such a real way.
We are also excited about the upcoming voices in this series...
On May 16th we will hear from David Martin. David is an elder at Journey and a hospice chaplain. He will talk about how we embody faith and belief.
Pentecost is May 23rd and we will have a special pentecost celebration and focus on how we see Journey as a faith community living out faith in Dallas in the coming months and years.
May 30th we will hear from Candace Cain. Candace is an elder at Journey and the director of the non-profit "New Friends New Life". She will talk about her faith experience and about life working in a social justice focused non-profit.
Come to journey in the next few weeks and Be Inspired!