Journey is a place that offers many gifts including blessed community, intelligent conversation, and opportunities to reach out to the very real needs in the world around us. That is one of the things I love about it. We really live out the message of Christianity in very real and practical ways within our community and the ways we love each other. But also in the small gestures (and big) that we extend towards our global and local community.
One of the things I look forward to the most each month is
The Well.

One Saturday a month, Journey folks gather in Oak Cliff to prepare a meal for the members of this unique community. The Well’s mission is to “engage people with mental illness in a life-giving community of peace, love and hope.” Each month, we have the opportunity to participate in that. The amazing part is that I always find myself leaving with a little more life than I came with. The economy of God’s love is often more backwards than we think. I think a lot of us have really begun to feel at home at The Well. We help folks eat and simply talk and listen. It’s really pretty simple. We prepare a home-cooked, nutritious meal for the community members, enjoy their worship service, and clean up! Mother Teresa said, “We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it.” And I’m humbled every week as my friends at Journey reach out, with great love, to these friends. In their eyes, we see God. And so, really, they minister to us as much as we have the chance to minister to them.
- Michelle Randall
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