Justice, Power and The Kingdom

Last week we had a good time discussing the idea of God's Kingdom and how it is so much bigger than us. We had a good dialogue about the idea of "Justice" and how Jesus' was an example of love and justice to others. The video that I showed to help guide our thoughts featured Brian Mclaren talking about this very topic. Some people expressed interest in looking at the video again. You can view the whole video HERE if you want to. Take a look and weigh in by adding your thoughts to the comments section...
After the gathering at Dinner someone brought up a great point... They said we talked some about being people of justice, but we didn't really tackle the idea of "injustice" and fighting it. "Sometimes just saying no to something that would cause injustice is a great way for us to practice justice." We wondered together a little bit about what that looks like in our individual lives, in our community, and (the tough part) what that looks like in a broader nation/global sense. How do we live out a life of justice and love amidst injustice in our world?
Good, challenging thoughts for sure!
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