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The tagline of a new book, "Making a Life in the way of Jesus" might seem like a broad statement. Or maybe a statement that makes you think, "sure... easier said than done." But this is not only an idea that Mark Scandrette tackles in his new book, Soul Graffiti, it is one he really lives out. Trust me, this guy is crazy. But in a good way. Some of us from Journey met him at a conference and I took one of his classes (which were more like conversations). From those few hours came the series at Journey a while ago we called "Radical Contentment and Generosity," aka, RCG. Over a year later, many of us at Journey are still mulling over the ideas he presented about living content and simply in order to be generous to others. In other words- living a life in the way of Jesus here in Dallas or wherever we find ourselves. Turns out it is easier said than done.
Mark is one of those guys whom you can't help but be impacted by. At first I thought that maybe he just had interesting ideas. But upon further examination, Mark really lives out "A Life in the way of Jesus." In his book, Mark talks about the gang shootings on his street and how he befriends the marginalized around his neighborhood in San Francisco. Sounds a little like "a life in the way of Jesus" to me (in an 'off the beaten path' sort of way).
Mark will be speaking at Journey this Sunday, October 7th. Following the gathering we will have a house-style concert with The Cobalt Season and provide dinner. (Please bring $10 to support the band and help with dinner costs.)
Sound interesting? I'm sure it will be. For more info on Mark check out these links...
Mark's website
ReImagine, The organization the Mark leads in California.
MP3 of Mark Reading from his book, Soul Graffiti, via the emergent podcast.
Labels: author, gathering, guest speaker
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