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He came, he spoke, he read some poetry, and shamelessly promoted his new book. But we are not complaining, nope... Mark can shamelessly promote his book at Journey anytime. A good time was had by all on Sunday night as "new" Journey opened its doors for the first time as a completely finished out gathering space. Complete with art on the wall and a sound system.
Thanks to everyone who came together to pull off a fantastic gathering. We enjoyed Mark Scandrette reading excerpts from his book so much that we will be using it as our discussion point for Public Theology on Tuesday nights at 7pm (meeting at The Flying Saucer in Addison).
Mark's talk touched on many topics. I particularly enjoyed his insight as to how Dallas is, according to some data, "the most Christian city." His thoughts on this centered around an actual difference in "Christian Folk Religion" to "Following in the Way of Jesus." If we really are the most Christian city, is there a difference being made as to how we treat the earth, love others that are not like us, and live in transformative community? Hmmm... I am not sure. Leave your thoughts in the comments...
Como Villa, como Zapata, como Guevara, como yo . . .
umm, I think I agree. Me no speaka any espanol.
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