soul food

Most of my favorite memories involve two things: good food and good company. Growing up in the south, Sunday dinners (which actually means lunch in that region) were a golden fried tradition. We shared recipes, news from the community, and stories from before my time. The locale for this was always my Grandmother's house, and for her hospitality equaled one thing: as much food as she could possibly cook. Even though she usually wore herself to a frizzle in the preparations, she was never happier than when her house was filled with folks she loved enjoying the feast of her labor.
As I've gotten older, I've begun to realize that I am just like her, only I've left the family fried tradition behind and embraced pasta and soup as my specialties. My favorite memories from my time at Journey involve hanging out over dinner with friends. I'm normally my very happiest when I can share hospitality with others and help them connect over food. I love that Jesus shares his love for his friends over a meal. I really think it's a sacred practice for all involved.

All that being said, we are starting a new event at Journey, and we are calling it "Soul Food" because we believe this kind of communion is truly good for our souls. As a way to connect newcomers to our community, different Journey members will be hosting a potluck dinners in their homes. The host/ess will prepare the main course, and we will let you know what that will be. If you would like to come, simply RSVP by email to the host/ess, and they will let you know what you need to bring. We will have one dinner every other week. The nights may rotate, so that people with weekly commitments can make it to a few dinners. Here's the schedule for the rest of this month:
Thursday October 18: Janalee's place in The Village (Central Dallas)
Tuesday October 30: Jen Wilson's place in Richardson
Check Journey emails and handouts for details and addresses. If you have any questions, please email Janalee at: jleeshad (at) gmail (dot) com
This is a great way to learn more about Journey and to meet the folks that make this community so important to us. We hope to see you there!
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